Following a series of recent tragic events in the world: mass murders, terroristic attacks in Syria, Kenya, Mali, Turkey, Israel, terroristic attacks in Paris, the crush of Russian aircraft at the Sinai Peninsula — People’s Artist of Russia, opera singer Hibla Gerzmava made a decision to dedicate her upcoming recitals in Germany to the memory of victims of these tragic events. Her decision was supported by Maestro Arkady Beryn who will conduct both of these concerts.
Hibla Gerzmava decided not to take fees for her recitals, planned well more than a year ago to take place in the main concert halls of Berlin (December 3) and Düsseldorf (December 18). Moneys drawn from ticket sales will be transferred to the foundation supporting relatives of the victims of terroristic attacks.
Hibla Gerzmava said: “We will never make alive hundreds of people who died, but we should never forget about them. A photo of ten-month-old Darina, who was the youngest passenger of that flight in Egypt, is still in my memory, and recent attacks in Paris are beyond my imagination. All this is extremely painful, and I am mourning about all those who died”.