The 11th Hibla Gerzmava invites… Music Festival continues! A series of summer concerts will take place in Hibla’s native Pitsunda: the Male Chorus of the Sretensky Monastery will perform at the St Andrew’s Cathedral on July 25, and Hibla will once again give a recital with the most famous Abkhazian organist Marina Shamba on August 3 — it has been many years since they performed together, and now will appear at the closing concert of the Festival. Felix Korobov, chief conductor of the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre, will once again take part in the Festival, this time as a soloist: together with Marina Shamba he will play a few works for cello and organ. To mark this year’s Festival, a special booklet has been issued. It contains concert photos and playbills from various years, as well as a selection of stunning views of Abkhazia taken by Abkhazian photographers Ibrahim Chkadua and Tengiz Tarba.