A suburban village “Deauville” will host a Gala of the 4th edition of an open-air Moscow Suburb Nights Music Festival on Saturday June 16th. The concert will feature a pianist Denis Matsuev, soprano Hibla Gerzmava and the Orchestra of the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre conducted by Felix Korobov. Moscow Suburb Nights Music Festival was conceived in 2009 and is being run annually by graduates of leading musical institutions of Moscow along with a group of their friends. The main idea of the Festival is to take music, performers and concert-goers away from indoor concert halls in the city and bring them into a relaxed environment of countryside evenings. Hibla will appear in the first half of the concert and will be singing arias from operas by Verdi and Puccini, accompanied by the Orchestra of her native opera house.